Monday, 30 April 2018

AVENGERS INFINITY WAR REVIEW: Was it really worth the wait?

Ten years of the MCU…Wasted?

The MCU has achieved incredible things with its creation of the shared universe through awe-inspiring adaptations of Marvels mightiest heroes. Our glorious leader, Kevin Feige, has revolutionised the cinematic experience and bought about a new age of superhero splendor. Eighteen movies later, it all leads to this. 

Yes, Yes, A thousand times, Yes.  Infinity War is here and we will never be the same again!

A film with such epic expectations is bound to fail right? Well, Wrong. Infinity War is a cosmic celebration of the MCU’s first decade. The characters we have known and loved come together to show us exactly why they conquered the cinematic world, sorry DCEU. Comic book movies have become a staple of the silver screen but none have accomplished like the, Feige helmed, MCU. With superb story telling, dynamic directing and charismatic casting, the MCU has crafted heartfelt homages to these beloved comic book characters, ignoring some clangers of course, *cough* Thor: The Dark World *cough*. The MCU takes respectful risks, yet delivers for the fan-boy and casual cinephile alike. When it comes to the next decade of Marvel adapted adventure… Make Mine Feige!

Now, with so many plates to spin, it is truly exceptional what the Russo Brothers have achieved with Infinity War, yet not without some hiccups. A plethora of characters are on display, each with die-hard fans hungry for screen time justice, although not everyone will receive the glory they perhaps deserve. Our surprisingly shortchanged supers come in the sad form of Black Panther, Hulk and unfortunately Captain America. 

When on screen T’Challa and gang impel me to chant “Wakanda Forever" but, I expected more of his royal highness after the runaway success of Black Panther. Also The Hulk is somewhat greener in nature than actual skin tone here. In this outstanding adventure, Mark Ruffalo’s Banner is charming but it’s the green guy we all wanted to see. HULK SMASH, please? 

Finally, its Cap I was most disappointed by: Chris Evans looks the part but lacks any real purpose or depth. Cap is the faithful fan-favourite and deserves his star spangled time to truly shine, so its weird to see him sidelined… JusticeForCap!

Despite some character causalities, regarding screen time, what we do fully witness is truly wonderful. My standout stars are Thor, Iron Man and The Guardians of the Galaxy.  Thor really has got his groove back as Hemsworth’s performance is electrifying with god like gravitas and lights up the screen with scene stealing splendour. Similarly, The Matriarch of Marvel, Tony Stark, also makes an incredible return to the action. Downey Jr. reminds us why he started this cinematic legacy with his charismatically cool and witty performance. Although Iron Man may have met his match with the Guardians of the Galaxy. the loveable rogues are zany as ever and serve as perfect comedy relief.  Each member is a fully released caricature and interacts expertly with Earths mightiest heroes.

Away from battlefield, we are also given a heavy dose of the feels with top dramatic performances coming from Zoe Saldana and Tom Holland. Saldana is a definite talent with obvious stars in her future, way beyond her galaxy defending duties of the MCU and will continue to shine wherever she lands. Now, surprisingly Spiderman also gave me my desired dramatic moment, just as disappointment was setting in Spiderman saved the scene. Tom Holland is definitely the runt of the litter but I see huge potential in his plucky performance as the web-head. Spiderman Sequel please?

Now the moment we’ve been waiting for, Ten years to be exact: quality villains! The MCU has recently upped their game with regards to villains, looking at you Hela and Killmonger, but first place definitely goes to Thanos and gang. Before we get to the crinkle-chinned corrupter lets discuss his most dastardly disciple, Ebony Maw: The scary Squidward offers a villain of intellect and power and is nothing short of brilliant. His cold demeanor strikes actual fear into our heroes and the hearts of audiences alike… more of him please. 

But the true victor of this war goes to Thanos himself: Josh Brolin has crafted a relatable dictator with power, menace and even humour. Thanos was easily the best part of Infinity War and definitely worth the wait.

Avengers Infinity War is a literal celebration of the last ten years of Marvel cinematic mastery. Is it perfect… no, the plot is squished and not everyone gets their time to shine. However, the action is satisfying, the characters iconic and the performances powerful. Avengers Infinity War is destined to break records and pave the way for another tremendous decade of fan-boy fantasy. Infinity War can be summed up by the young man, with his carer, in my screening: jumping out of his seat, gasping and acting out the action scenes in poor excitement. Avengers Infinity War is an experience… So enjoy and Make Mine Marvel.

Avengers: Infinity War
Join the experience 
in theatres now
