Monday, 29 April 2019

AVENGERS ENDGAME REVIEW: The greatest comic book movie of all time?

Ten years, three phases and billions of dollars later… The Marvel Cinematic Universe is officially in the Endgame. But will the MCU end its first decade deservedly so or simply dissolve into cinematic dust?

Movies have always been my personal escapist adventure and non-more so than the exceptional offerings of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  With 22 movies to date, Marvel has shown character craftsmanship at it’s finest and I was totally unprepared for all Avengers: Endgame had to offer. Get your tissues ready…

Endgame boasts an undeniably stellar cast of incredible talent. You truly feel you know these characters. With a rich detailed literary history to draw from, The MCU has truly elevated the source material and bought its heroes right into the consciousness of modern society. The stakes are real and so are the emotions and no one is taking this cinematic crescendo more seriously than the phenomenal cast. The original Avengers shine with sincerity and relatability throughout the slow burning first act. Offering a real insight into the humans behind the heroes.

With a run time of over 3hrs, critics and casual fans alike could find holes in this monstrous movie. But I find myself decidedly stuck on how to critique such a monumentally impactful movie that has hit fans hearts across the globe. This movie gets personal and beautifully brings the MCUs first decade to a satisfying climactic  close.

Avengers: Endgame is not just a blockbuster; it is the cinematic graduation of ten years fan service. As the title reel played with a welcome flash of Marvel red, I was instantly transported to my first MCU outing via 2008’s Iron Man. It’s this personal journey that brings Endgame into the cinematic history books. We each played a part in this cinematic universe; For Ten years we have been in awe of these heroes and Endgame does not disappoint.

See this movie and experience it your way! You deserve to relive ten years of awe-inspiring action and sincere story telling. Avengers: Endgame catapults our childlike action expectations and truly brings the comic book bursting to enthusiastic life. So sit back and enjoy our heroes once again.

Enter the Endgame in theatres now!
Make Mine Marvel

Sunday, 7 April 2019

SHAZAM! REVIEW: Just say the word...

Has the DCEU finally found the magic words for cinematic success?

The OG Captain Marvel first crashed onto the pages of Whiz Comics some 80 years ago. Now, despite a noteworthy namesake switcheroo, Billy Batson has finally arrived as the original childlike hero. But is Billy Batson man enough to bear the weight of the new DCEU. One way to find out… SHAZAM!

The hero, formerly known as, Captain Marvel (AKA Billy Batson) has always held the go-to goofball role within DC comics. The tween turned powerhouse origin of Billy Batson will always naturally lend itself more to campy than cool and that’s exactly how director, David Sandberg, might just of struck cinematic gold.

Shazam! begins by harking audiences back to the kid-led classics of the 80’s, with expertly used color pallets, cinematography and sets that load the screen with nostalgic nuances. With the visual throwback that made Stranger Things such a phenomenon, Sandberg crafts a heroic homage to whimsical escapist adventures such as; Flight Of The Navigator, The Goonies and Flash Gordon alike. This modern take on the video store classic gives Shazam! some truly worthy moments, through Sandberg’s choices of cheesy costumes, humor and heart. However, it is this fractured mix of modern and retro that left me feeling disjointed and longing for more of the old stuff. I was left wondering if Sandberg did go full on period piece, could Shazam! of been heralded as a modern day classic?

Sadly he didn’t and this film simply doesn’t fit within the explosive expectations of modern comic book fare. Making Shazam! more popcorn pleaser than theatrical feast. In terms of its superhero stakes, Shazam! plays more family funfest ala 2005’s Fantastic Four, by noticeably lacking in action and awe. Instead, Shazam! promotes family time as the real hero of this story and offers a packed heart over a powerful punch.

The choice to make Shazam! distinctly safe for a superhero film is a real shame for the talented cast. The children of this movie are undeniably endearing and infectious (here’s looking at you Darla) and offer a fleshed out facet of childhood for audiences to relate to. From the wide-eyed innocent to the insecure smart mouth. The fostered family adds real personality to this pleasant tale of acceptance and finding your home.

Now to the Man behind the boy, Zachary Levi enjoyably portrays genuine childlike heroism with real sincerity. Levi looks genuinely excited to be the hero and fulfill his own childhood dreams for our amusement. He’s classically cheesy and wreaks of buddy the elf-esque energy, which translates remarkably without annoyance. Levi mixes the comedic zanity of Deadpool with the warmth of Tom Hanks’ in Big (Spot the keyboard!). Proving Levi as a humble heartthrob with undeniable cool dad charisma. 

Now, with such emphasis on family, friends and finding your home, Shazam! leaves little room for the full force of Mark Strong as villainous Dr Sivana. The character is alluringly evil in his quest for power and proves you can’t keep a good actor down. With little support from his sinful slave masters, Strong managed a cartoonish menace that, with bolder risks, could of evoked generational nightmares inline with 1984’s Gremlins and less 1989’s Little Monsters silliness. Sandberg you were so close! 

To conclude, Shazam! is a perky movie that enthusiastically rushes through heartwarming messages with charismatic child stars, tween dramedy and mythology with zing. However, whilst entertaining Shazam! could of elevated classic innocent storytelling from the pre-CGI era with a superhero twist. I am confident that with a little more retro resonance and riskier decision making Shazam! really could have been bigger, bolder and gone all the way as a true classic.

Just say the word...
SHAZAM! in theatres now!
